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Get Involved: Natural Areas - Volunteer Naturalist Assistant

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Volunteer Naturalist Assistant


Naturalist Assistants assist with group management, props, and activities. It’s a great way to take an active role in education programs and gain experience in interpretation, natural history, and group management.

Naturalist assistants will also be able to take supplemental training to help with eagle watch programs, school field trips, outreach tables, and youth summer programs.

Time Commitment:
  • Activities are scheduled well in advance. You will have the opportunity to sign up for those that interest you and fit your schedule.
  • Mandatory training of approximately 11 hours.
  • Volunteer for a minimum of two programs each calendar year and donate at least 25 hours within two years of training.
  • Attend at least two qualified continuing education programs, field trips, or workshops per year. These are sponsored/provided by the City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department and are provided free of charge; some exceptions may apply.

Please read the full opportunity description: https://www.fcgov.com/naturalareas/files/master-naturalist-job-description.pdf

Field Work - Outdoor Skills, Field Work - Environment, Community Volunteer - Special Events

Ready to get involved?

Apply online to become a volunteer.

Questions? Contact AJ Chlebnik
(970) 224-6118
