Get Involved: Senior Center - Conversation Corner

Conversation Corner
- Description:
We are looking for a few outgoing people to staff our new Conversation Corner at the Senior Center starting in June. You will staff a table in the lounge at the Center where people will be able to stop by and have a conversation.
The people who fill this position must be outgoing and able to start and maintain conversations about a variety of topics. The people who stop by to visit will be looking for assistance with the Recreator, resources for aging in Fort Collins or just looking for a friend with whom they can have a chat.
The Conversation Corner will initially be staffed every Wednesday from 10 - 12 starting in June with the possibility of expanding to different days in the future.
Training will be provided as well as transcripts that you can use in your discussions.
- Time Commitment:
2 hours, Wednesday's from 10:00 - 12:00
- Volunteer Benefits:
You will get to meet new people, make new friends and be a valuable asset to the Senior Center.
- Location:
Senior Center
Ready to get involved?
Apply online to become a volunteer.
Questions? Contact Sarah Olear
(970) 224-6028