Get Involved: Recycling Ambassadors - Recycling Ambassador

Recycling Ambassador
- Description:
"Three-R" Enthusiasts, read on! This is the ONLY volunteer opportunity on the Front Range where you will:
- Make an important contribution to our community's recycling efforts.
- Receive valuable and hands-on learning about recycling - through action, educational tours and meetings.
- Have the opportunity to pass on your knowledge to others in the community.
- Time Commitment:
Commit to at least one, two-hour shift per week for at least six months.
Expectations and Training Requirements.
- Public relations and communication skills, including the ability to interact and work effectively and courteously with people from varying social, cultural, and economic backgrounds.
- Interest in, and knowledge about (will be provided at training) Waste Reduction and Recycling issues.
- One-hour site tour, and site training (usually an hour or two)
- Fill out a Shift Feedback Form after every shift.
- Check-ins: “Coffee Catch-up” meetings with other RA's every other month. Emailing the Coordinator regarding updates.
Other Requirements:
- This is a position of trust: a yearly background check is required.
- You must have an email address and basic computer skills (some exceptions may be allowed)
- You must be 16 (with parental approval if younger than 18) or older to apply for this position.
- To apply for the Recycling Ambassadors Program, submit an application (on the right side of your screen).
- Interests:
- Sports and Recreation - Sustainability, Field Work - Environment
- Skills:
- Facilitation