Get Involved: Adaptive Recreation Opportunities - General/Programs

- Description:
Adaptive Recreation Opportunities (ARO) provides quality and equal opportunities for recreation and leisure programs to community members with disabilities. The ARO program offers healthy and fun experiences through three basic service areas: transition services, inclusion support and specialized programs. ARO services strive to foster independence of the participating individuals within their recreation experiences.
- Time Commitment:
ARO offers one day and ongoing programs on different days and at different times, creating flexible schedule and commitment options.
- Licenses, Certifications, and Safety:
Must complete Ability Awaness training prior to volunteering for programs.
- Volunteer Benefits:
Meet great people, learn how to work with individuals with varying abilities and the use of adpative equipment. Great experience for those wanting to work in the field of Therapeutic Recreation and/or Occupational Therapy.
- Location:
Fort Collins Recreation Centers and community.
Ready to get involved?
Apply online to become a volunteer.
Questions? Contact Brenda McDowell
(970) 416-2024