Get Involved: Natural Areas - Adopt-A-Natural Area

Adopt-A-Natural Area
- Description:
Adopters agree to care for a natural area for one year by picking up trash and reporting maintenance issues. This program provides opportunities for citizens to take an active role in restoration efforts through stewardship.
- Visit natural area once a month to pick up litter.
- Report hours and maintenance issues in Engage.
- Implement safe practices of yourself and all others involved during site visits.
- Read more about the Natural Areas Stewardship Programs.
- Time Commitment:
Visit a natural area once each month. Can make your own schedule.
- Volunteer Benefits:
- Quiet time in a beautiful setting.
- Flexible schedule.
- Learn from experts in the field.
- Make a visible impact.
- Great opportunity for volunteers with limited mobility, as well as for families and groups.
- Interact with people with similar interests.
- Be an integral part of a large well-respected and forward-thinking land conservation and stewardship program, FC Natural Areas.
- Documents:
Read the full job description here.
- Interests:
- Community Volunteer - Kid-Friendly, Field Work - Wildlife, Field Work - Hiking, Sports and Recreation - Sustainability, Community Volunteer - Resource Management, Field Work - Environment
Ready to get involved?
Apply online to become a volunteer.
Questions? Contact AJ Chlebnik
(970) 224-6118