City of Fort Collins Engage

Welcome to Engage!  Engage helps you manage your involvement, either as a participant or volunteer, sponsored by the FC Volunteer Program. Browse the calendar, edit your profile, and get involved!


Our Vision: Creatively engaging volunteers in their unique talents.

Our Mission: Promote volunteer involvement to improve services and create community.


The City of Fort Collins is a wonderful place to live in large part because the residents are active and involved in their community. Part of an engaged City is a community that selflessly gives back, making the world a better place for those around them. Using their time, talents, hearts and hands to help others, these people are the backbone of a community. They are Volunteers.

The City of Fort Collins Volunteer Services Program (VSP) is designed to creatively engage people in their unique talents. Everyone has something treasured to give and when those talents are paired with a passion to help, the results can be amazing. 

VSP recognizes the impact that both new and experienced volunteers have on our community. We help match new volunteers with potential interest areas and offer continuing education opportunities to our existing volunteers.

Signing up for a volunteer position is just the beginning -- Welcome to the City!


Several departments rely on volunteers to succeed.

Adaptive Recreation (ARO)          

Boards & Commissions  

Community Development & Neighborhood Services  

The Farm at Lee Martinez Park

FC Moves

Gardens on Spring Creek

Healthy Homes

The Lincoln Center

Mediation & Restorative Justice          

Municipal Courts

Natural Areas


Police Services

Recycling Ambassadors

Senior Center




Pictured Above: Volunteers joining hands, Volunteer getting trained for safety outdoors, and Volunteer with Staff T-shirt at a gathering.


The General Application Process (pictured above):

Step 1: Fill out the General Volunteer Application. This application will allow you to share your interests and skills with a Volunteer Services staff member. We will facilitate a conversation one-on-one with you to discover your WHY. Volunteering is meaningful to you and the program you impact -- we want you to enjoy it every step of the way! 

Step 2: Support from the VSP Staff. You will get a personalized email response listing possible opportunities and next can opt into an informal interview with a member of the VSP team to connect, discuss multiple options, and direct you to a department (or several departments) that might be a good fit!

Step 3: Discover Opportunities to find your WHY. Visit the web pages to browse City departments. Visit the Get Involved page to browse current openings for volunteer opportunities.

Step 4: Start Volunteering! Try new things, volunteer with a variety of departments, and find the reason WHY volunteering brings you joy!

Note: We may ask you to fill out department-specific applications throughout your time volunteering with the City. We encourage you to apply for any and all opportunities that interest you, but some opportunities require more experience, prerequisite training, or a more extensive interview process. By filling out an application for each of your interests, our Volunteer Managers can contact you and get the interview process rolling. 

If you ever have questions about programming, applying, volunteering, or navigating Engage, feel free to email us at [email protected]!



Featured Activities

Volunteer Proclamation

  Tuesday, 15 April 2025 |   05:00 PM | City Hall

National Volunteer Week is coming up on April 19-26. As a way to recognize the incredible contrib...

 Sign Up

Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast

  Tuesday, 22 April 2025 |   09:30 AM | Club Tico

Join us at Club Tico from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 22nd, to celebrate all the hard wo...

 Sign Up

Upcoming Activities   Calendar

Volunteer Proclamation Profile Photo  Sign Up Volunteer Proclamation
  Tuesday, 15 April 2025 |   05:00 PM | City Hall

National Volunteer Week is coming up on April 19-26. As a way to recognize the incredible contributions that City volunteers make, Mayor Arndt will read a proclamation on April 15. Help us fill City Council chambers with the love of volunteers--Jo...

Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast Profile Photo  Sign Up Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast
  Tuesday, 22 April 2025 |   09:30 AM | Club Tico

Join us at Club Tico from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 22nd, to celebrate all the hard work each of our volunteers put in each year. We want to recognize the time, talent, and treasures you put in all around the City. We will have coffee, ...

NextGenServe Orientation Profile Photo  Sign Up NextGenServe Orientation
  Tuesday, 03 June 2025 |   05:30 PM | Club Tico

This is a REQUIRED orrientation prior to the first week of NextGenServe. If you cannot attend, please message Elizabeth to find another time to connect with her. At this orientation, we will be passing out NextGen swag, finalizing paperwork and...

