Get Involved: City of Fort Collins Engage
Adaptive Recreation Opportunities
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of the Adaptive Recreation Opportunities Department. Volunteer today!
Adaptive Recreation Opportunities (ARO) provides quality and equal opportunities for recreation and leisure programs to community members with disabilities. The ARO program offers healthy and fun experiences through three basic service areas: transition services, inclusion support and specialized programs. ARO services strive to foster independence of the participating individuals within their recreation experiences.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the General/Programs volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Brenda McDowell
(970) 416-2024
Unified Sports
Volunteer as a Special Olympics Coach or Partner. Different sports offered each season.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Unified Sports volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Brenda McDowell
(970) 416-2024
Boards & Commissions
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of the Boards & Commissions Department. Volunteer today!
Active Modes Advisory Board
The Active Modes Advisory Board reviews active modes plans for capital improvements, provides recommendations regarding active modes policies, and prioritizes active modes plan recommendations. Active modes of transportation include walking, biking, micro-mobility (such as scooters and skateboards), and wheelchair use. Active modes may also include human-powered and small electric devices.
- The board meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 6 p.m.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Active Modes Advisory Board volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Affordable Housing Board
The Affordable Housing Board advises the City Council on matters pertaining to affordable housing issues of concern to the City. The City has established several programs designed to stimulate the construction of additional affordable housing units and retention of existing housing units in the community. These programs include development review priority processing, impact fee collection delay, and sales tax rebates.
- This board meets the 1st Thursday of each month 4 p.m.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Affordable Housing Board volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Air Quality Advisory Board
The Air Quality Advisory Board advises the City Council regarding policies, plans, and programs to improve and maintain the City's air quality. The Board may, without limitation, biennially review air quality indicators and recommend adjustments to the Air Quality Action Plan, review and recommend revisions of the Air Quality Policy Plan, and advise the Governor-designated lead agency for air quality planning on matters pertaining to the Fort Collins element of the State Implementation Plan. The Board may also convene ad hoc citizen task groups to provide additional technical expertise to the Board. The Board coordinates its work with the Energy Board, Transportation Board, Natural Resources Advisory Board, and the Planning and Zoning Board.
- Meets the 3rd Monday of each month, 5:30 p.m.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Air Quality Advisory Board volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Art in Public Places Board
The Art in Public Places Board advises and makes recommendations to the City Council regarding incorporation of works of art into construction projects; advises and makes recommendations to the City Council regarding the acceptance of offers to donate art to be placed in public areas; and advises and makes recommendations to the Executive Director of Culture, Parks, Recreation and Environment Services Unit and the City Council as to rules, regulations, guidelines, policy, administrative, and budgetary matters pertaining to the Art in Public Places Program.
- Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 3:30 p.m.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Art in Public Places Board volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Citizen Review Board
Reviews internal investigations where a peace officer is alleged to have used force, discharged a firearm, or committed a crime when a person sustained severe injury, death or alleged their civil rights were violated by a peace officer or other investigations requested by the City Manager or Police Chief.
- Meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Citizen Review Board volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Cultural Resources Board
The Cultural Resources Board advises and makes recommendations to the Director of Cultural Services and the City Council for funding from the Cultural Development and Programming Account and the Tourism Programming Account (Fort Fund) and matters pertaining to the Cultural Services Department's programs, services and facilities constructed or operated by the City.
- Meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Cultural Resources Board volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Disability Advisory Board
The Commission on Disability serves as an advisor to the City of Fort Collins City Council on issues relating to citizens with disabilities. In its role as an advocate for citizens with disabilities, the Commission on Disability: develops educational programs to acquaint citizens with issues affecting individuals with disabilities; forms special committees to review and address particular issues; works together with other Boards and Commissions and the City Council to provide recommendations to assure compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the 1990 Americans with Disability Act (ADA), the Fair Housing Act and other legislation relating to persons with disabilities; and serves as ombudsman between City departments, the private business sector, and the community of citizens who have disabilities.
- Meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 5:30 P.M.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Disability Advisory Board volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Economic Advisory Board
Advises the City Council on matters pertaining to economic health and sustainability of the City.
- Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 4:00 p.m.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Economic Advisory Board volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Energy Board
Advises the City Council and staff regarding the development and implementation of the city's energy policy.
- Regular Board meetings meet the 2nd Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
- Work Sessions meet the 4th Thursday of even numbered months (i.e.; February, April, etc.) at 5:30 p.m.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Energy Board volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
General Employee's Retirement Committee
Manages/administers the Retirement Plan for members and retirees and manage accumulated retirement fund money; determine the eligibility/service of members under plan rules; interpret the plan provisions; and authorize payment of retirement benefits and bills for expenses of plan and committee.
The Committee is composed of a finance staff member and a mix of five (5) active, terminated-vested, or retired members of the plan when one (1) taxpaying elector of the City does not apply.
- This committee meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 11 a.m.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the General Employee's Retirement Committee volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Historic Preservation Commission
The Commission shall perform all duties relating to preservation of historic landmarks as set out in Chapter 14, including the designation of sites, structures, objects or districts as landmarks and the review and approval or rejection of plans for the construction, alteration, demolition or relocation of any such site, structure, object or district. Decisions of the Commission are final unless appealed to the City Council.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Historic Preservation Commission volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Human Relations Commission
The Human Relations Commission was established by City Council to enhance the acceptance and respect for diversity through educational programs and activities, and to embrace inclusion of individuals reflective of characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, physical abilities/qualities, sex, sexual /affectional orientation, age, culture, different ideas and perspectives, familial status, immigration status, geographic background, marital status, national origin, religious and spiritual beliefs, socioeconomic status, and veteran status. The Commission often coordinates these efforts with other City boards and commissions, community groups and organizations. The Commission also oversees the Citizen Liaison Program, and presents the annual Human Relations Award to recognize those citizens who have advanced the cause of human rights through their volunteer efforts.
This commission meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Human Relations Commission volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Human Services and Housing Funding Board
The Human Services and Housing Funding Board advises the City Council on matters pertaining to the City's Competitive Process which includes funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Human Services and Housing Funding Board (HSHFB) and Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Program, and the City's Affordable Housing Fund (AHF) and Human Services Program (HSP). HUD provides federal grant funds to the City to meet affordable housing and community development needs of low and moderate income people. The City receives about $1.5 million from HUD and just under $1 million from the General Fund annually. Program funds are typically used for housing, human services, and community development programs, projects, and activities.
- This board meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Human Services and Housing Funding Board volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Land Conservation & Stewardship Board
Advises City Council and staff on matters relating to the City's Natural Areas Department.
- This board meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Land Conservation & Stewardship Board volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Land Use Review Commission
Approves variances from the requirements of the Land Use Code and hears and decides appeals from any decision made by an administrative official pertaining to a specific property.
- Meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 8:30 a.m.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Land Use Review Commission volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Natural Resources Advisory Board
The Natural Resources Advisory Board shall have the following functions:
- To advise the City Council on all matters pertaining to the sustainability of the City's natural resources including waste reduction and recycling, water resources, energy/climate action, and multi-modal transportation. (NOTE that matters specific to the City's Natural Areas Program are generally handled by the Land Conservation and Stewardship Board);
- To analyze various natural resources issues and to guide the development of city-wide natural resources programs to address existing and potential natural resources issues;
- To promote citizen participation and public education in city-wide natural resources issues;
- To coordinate with and provide input to city-sponsored technical advisory committees;
- To perform such other duties and functions and have such other powers as provided by the City Council.
- Staffing support provided by Environmental Services Department (970-221-6600).
- This board meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Natural Resources Advisory Board volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Parks & Recreation Board
The Parks and Recreation Board acts as an advisory board. The Board advises and makes recommendations to Community Services and the City Council for their approval as to the rules, regulations, policies and administrative and budgetary matters pertaining to Parks and Recreation, excluding matters relating to the operation and maintenance of City-owned golf courses and cemeteries. The Board assists the City in cooperating with the Poudre School District and other organizations and individuals interested in the City's parks and recreation programs.
- This board meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month January - October at 5:30 p.m. and 1st Wednesday of December
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Parks & Recreation Board volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Planning & Zoning Commission
Responsibilities include making recommendations to the City Council regarding zoning, annexations, major public and private projects and any long range planning activities (such as City Plan or subareas plans) that require Council approval.
- Planning and Zoning Hearings are held on the third Thursday of Each Month at 6:00 p.m.
- Worksessions held the Friday prior to 3rd Thursday Hearing at 12 p.m.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Planning & Zoning Commission volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Senior Advisory Board
The Senior Advisory Board is comprised of individuals of all ages who share a concern for the aging members of our community. They assume responsibility for involvement in a network of senior agencies and organizations so that they can remain aware of issues, needs and occurrences that may be relevant to their work. Their primary concern is to provide education in this community about the aging process, to inform and be informed, to advocate for a good quality of life, and to encourage networking among the various groups who deal with senior issues.
- This board meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 11:30 a.m.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Senior Advisory Board volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Transportation Board
The Transportation Board advises the Fort Collins City Council on transportation issues. The Board examines issues relating to financing, the development and implementation of master plans pertaining to pedestrian, streets, transit, bicycles, automobiles, congestion, traffic signalization, and transportation facilities, the use of technology, and education of the public and private industry on transportation topics.
The Board acts as a forum for the citizens to express their needs and concerns. The Board coordinates with other city boards and commissions on projects and issues that are of mutual interest. The Transportation Board works with other municipalities in the region to identify and develop solutions to key transportation issues.- This board meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Transportation Board volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Water Commission
Advises the City Council regarding water, wastewater and storm-water policy issues such as water rights, planning, acquisition and management, conservation and public education, flood plain regulations, storm drainage and development design criteria.
- Regular Meetings: Third Thursday of each month 5:30-7:30 p.m.
- Work sessions: 1st Thursday every other month (even-numbered months) from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Water Commission volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Women and Gender Equity Advisory Board
The purpose of the Board is enhancing the status of and opportunities for all women, transgender, and gender non-binary and gender non-conforming persons (all genders) in the City.
- This board meets the 4th Wednesday of each month at 5 p.m.
Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Women and Gender Equity Advisory Board volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Youth Advisory Board
Gathers information from local youth, other groups, organizations and agencies regarding youth-oriented issues.
- This board meets on the 1st Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Youth Advisory Board volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Davina Lau
(970) 416-2525
Communications and Public Involvement
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of Communications and Public Involvement. Volunteer today!
Direct Distribution Volunteers
City Communication will vary by issue, but one example is West Nile spraying:
West Nile virus is a potentially deadly disease spread by mosquitoes in the mid-to-late summer months. In 2022, Colorado had more West Nile cases than any other state, and Larimer County led among Colorado counties. By sharing information about West Nile activity in the area, you will raise awareness, help residents learn ways to protect themselves and their families
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Direct Distribution Volunteers volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Amy Resseguie
Community Development & Neighborhood Services
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of the Neighborhood Services Department. Volunteer today!
The City of Fort Collins seeks willing volunteers to assist their neighbors through a variety of tasks. Volunteers will be paired with neighbors who are in need of assistance with tasks such as grocery shopping and delivery, basic errands, snow shoveling, lawn mowing, yard work, outdoor pet care/dog walking, minor outdoor home repair, and more. Volunteers can choose to perform one-time tasks with different neighbors or can commit to an ongoing relationship with a neighbor in need.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Adopt-A-Neighbor volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Leonardo Escalante
Preservation Education
The Historic Preservation Services division presents multiple education programs throughout the year, and tables at community events as well. This opportunity is for Preservation Education volunteers who would like to help make those programs a success, and have an interest in promoting the community knowledge about, and stewardship of, important places in Fort Collins. Opportunities will include helping City Preservation staff table at special events, and helping give walking tours or other education programming at historic places.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Preservation Education volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Jim Bertolini
(970) 416-4250
Conflict Transformation Works
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of the Mediation & Restorative Justice Department. Volunteer today!
Community Mediation
Our wide range of community mediation-based services are available to all Fort Collins residents and City employees. Typical mediation cases include a variety of neighborhood and neighbor disputes, eviction mediation, landlord/tenant issues, facilitated conversation (larger group process), restorative mediations, Municipal Court-referred misdemeanor tickets, and internal City of Fort Collins workplace mediations.
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Restorative Justice
- Increase community safety by addressing crime restoratively - strengthen community relationships, improve understanding, and work to prevent future harms.
- Meet a victim’s needs through participating in a restorative process which centers their voice.
- Contribute your skills and desire to learn with a thriving group of volunteers and staff.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Restorative Justice volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Dana Henderson
Youth & Young Adult Volunteers
Volunteer Position Title (unpaid): Peer Representative, Restorative Justice Circles
Restorative Justice is a way of resolving crime in community. It works by bringing the people who are most impacted by crime [harmed person(s), responsible person(s) and community representatives] together to collaboratively answer these questions:
- Who was harmed and how?
- What needs to be done to make things right and who is responsible for that?
A peer representative volunteer participates in a Restorative Justice Circle to represent the youth and young adult community perspective and provide support.
Age Range:
- Youth: 14-17
- Young Adults: 18-25
Volunteer Support Staff:
- Dana Henderson; Public Engagement Specialist
- Mary-Claire Geiss; Restorative Justice Program Specialist
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Youth & Young Adult Volunteers volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Dana Henderson
Emergency Preparedness and Security
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of the Office of Emergency Management Department. Volunteer today!
Fort Collins Volunteer Response Team
FCVRT is a team of trained volunteers that provide services to residents of Fort Collins before, during, and after emergencies and disasters. FCVRT is dedicated to making Fort Collins a safer and more resilient community. This team does more than disaster response, by actively engaging in activities that increase personal and community resilience and disaster preparedness and promote community bonds.
Participants must complete CERT Basic Training prior to volunteering.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Fort Collins Volunteer Response Team volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Rebecca Nielsen
(970) 416-2032
Gardens on Spring Creek
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of the Gardens on Spring Creek. Volunteer today!
Butterfly House Volunteer
Volunteering in our Butterfly House is both educational and rewarding! Butterfly House volunteers are responsible for maintaining USDA containment standards, helping to ensure an excellent guest experience and enhance guest takeaways through interpretation and education.
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Gardens Volunteer
The Purpose of The Gardens on Spring Creek Volunteer Program is to enrich lives of volunteers and community members through our beautiful, curated gardens and outstanding education programs and events; create a financially sustainable workforce; and educate volunteers and guests about environmental stewardship through gardening.
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Not Accepting Applications
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at The Gardens on Spring Creek! We will be reopening our volunteer applications in late March 2025.
If you have any questions, please email our volunteer coordinator at [email protected] or (970) 416-2482.
Youth Education
Gardens education volunteers help us fulfill our mission to improve the lives of people and inspire stewardship through horticulture. Volunteers can assist with a variety of youth programs year-round including but not limited to group tours, story times, camps and outreach. Tasks and responsibilities vary, training is provided, and all volunteers are welcome!
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Natural Areas
By becoming a volunteer with us, you are joining a long history of community commitment to conservation. Since its inception, the Natural Areas Department has engaged volunteers on every level, from education to stewardship to leadership. Volunteers help extend outreach and strengthen community involvement. We believe that volunteers are one of our most valuable resources.
Volunteer today!
Adopt-A-Natural Area
Adopters agree to care for a natural area for one year by picking up trash and reporting maintenance issues. This program provides opportunities for citizens to take an active role in restoration efforts through stewardship.
- Visit natural area once a month to pick up litter.
- Report hours and maintenance issues in Engage.
- Implement safe practices of yourself and all others involved during site visits.
- Read more about the Natural Areas Stewardship Programs.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Adopt-A-Natural Area volunteer role.
Questions? Contact AJ Chlebnik
(970) 224-6118
Diamond Peaks
Volunteer Description Overview
Diamond Peaks Mountain Bike Patrol volunteers patrol City of Fort Collins Natural Areas and Larimer County Open Spaces on bike. Must be a member of the Overland Mountain Bike Association. More information here: OMBA - Diamond Peaks
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Diamond Peaks volunteer role.
Questions? Contact AJ Chlebnik
(970) 224-6118
Volunteer Ranger Assistant
Volunteer Ranger Assistants (VRAs) serve as a visible presence in the City of Fort Collins Natural Areas and at Larimer County Parks and Open Spaces to enhance the experiences of trail users by providing information, site monitoring, and visitor assistance. VRAs work through the Ranger programs to respond to questions and inquiries, monitor trails, parks, open spaces and natural areas for visitor safety and resource protection, assess timing and types of recreational uses, administer user surveys, and alert rangers to situations that require staff attention. VRA’s may hike, bike, or ride their own horse.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Volunteer Ranger Assistant volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Tyler Dubin
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of the Parks Department. Volunteer today!
The City of Fort Collins Forestry Division maintains over 58,000 trees on public property along streets, and in parks, cemeteries, golf courses and other City facilities. The City is seeking skill based Urban Forest Ambassadors to assist with updating inventory data, perform urban forest health assessments, tree planting events, small tree pruning, and engage the community in spreading the value and importance of our community’s urban forest! Urban Forest Ambassadors will perform a variety of tasks including updating the inventory, assessing for structural defects or insect and disease and engaging with the Fort Collins Community. The volunteers will help us update the public tree inventory on a more frequent basis. These efforts will include the use of an iPad or smartphone, diameter tape, and educational material to complete tasks as assigned by Forestry staff. Urban Forest Ambassadors are an integral part of urban forest management that will help continue health and longevity of the urban forest for generations to come.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Ambassadors volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Freddie Haberecht
Twin Silo Horticulture Volunteer
Anyone with interest in gardening is welcome to join a gardening team at Twin Silo Park. Tasks will require regular bending, stooping, lifting, digging, etc. All training is provided, just come open to learning!
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Twin Silo Horticulture Volunteer volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Shawn Rizza
Recycling Ambassadors
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of the Recycling Ambassadors Department. Volunteer today!
Recycling Ambassador
"Three-R" Enthusiasts, read on! This is the ONLY volunteer opportunity on the Front Range where you will:
- Make an important contribution to our community's recycling efforts.
- Receive valuable and hands-on learning about recycling - through action, educational tours and meetings.
- Have the opportunity to pass on your knowledge to others in the community.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Recycling Ambassador volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Adam Egger
Senior Center
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of the Senior Center Department. Volunteer today!
Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the General volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Ashley Ruffer
(970) 224-6033
Pottery Studio Recycling
We are looking for someone to help us with our recycling needs at the Fort Collins Pottery Studio. This person will be someone with a passion for helping the environment! We need to develop a list of places from which we can gather certain materials that others want to recycle (such as newspapers) and will make arrangements for regular pickups of these materials. You will also drop off some of our items to be recycled such as small propane canisters and broken pottery. You can create your own schedule for doing this recycling.
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Senior Center DIscussion Group
We are looking for a person to lead our weekly discussion group "Donut Make U Wonder". This group meets every Friday from 10 - 11 at the Senior Center. We discuss current subjects and related personal experiences. Matters related to religion and politics are avoided to ensure comradery. Meetings begin with a brief song and end with a few share jokes.
You will be responsible for picking up the donuts before the meeting and bringing a short list of topics to each meeting as well as starting the discussions. Training will be provided.
It's lots of fun and the stories are always great. We hope you'll join us!
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Senior Center Lead Volunteer
We are looking for people who can lead a small group of volunteers during a Special Event at the Senior Center. We will provide training and there will be a staff member with you at most events who will instruct you in the specifics of each event. There are events scheduled throughout the year and you can choose which event you would like to help at.
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The Farm at Lee Martinez Park
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of the The Farm & Northside Aztlan Community Center Department. Volunteer today!
Farm Volunteer
Ready to get involved?
The Lincoln Center
Without our amazing Volunteers, we couldn't do what we do! We love our Volunteers and can't wait to welcome you into our phenomenal program. Apply today!
Performance Volunteers
Volunteers are an extremely important and essential part of the Lincoln Center family. We rely on our Volunteers to be our eyes and ears and to assist patrons in navigating and participating in the many performances and events we offer. Volunteers get exposed to a wide array of artistic and professional endeavors including theatrical performances, dance productions, art gallery installations, concerts, and community events. While Volunteers get to enjoy a majority of the presentations that they work, the emphasis is providing our patrons with a professional and enjoyable experience that makes them want to return time and time again.
We on-board once a year. Applications open on or before April 1st, and you will be contacted to set up a brief online interview for a day in June or July. Training typically occurs in August with the season running from September to June.
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Not Accepting Applications
The application window has now closed for the 24/25 season. We will take applications for the 25/26 season in April of next year. Our interview process occurs in June and July and our mandatory Volunteer training will take place in August. Thank you for your interest in joining our team!
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of the Utilities Department. Volunteer today!
Utilities Community Engagement
The Community Engagement Team is looking for qualified educators to support water education programs.
Contact Kellie Gorman with questions and interest.
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Xeriscape Demonstration Garden Volunteers
- Join us this summer in the Xeriscape Demonstration Gardens at City Hall to learn about plants, irrigation and maintaining the gardens. We welcome folks of all abilities, no horticultural experience is necessary. Children are welcome with a chaperone. Gloves, tools and snacks are provided.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden Volunteers volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Emma Pett
Volunteer Services
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of Volunteer Services. Volunteer today!
Citywide Community Engagement
Community Engagement Volunteers are trained in education and outreach techniques to support staff in disseminating information and gaining feedback from the community on department-specific programs. Volunteers will be trained as content experts on various City priorities to answer questions and facilitate meaningful discussions at City-sponsored events.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Citywide Community Engagement volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Sue Schafer
Special Events Volunteer
The City of Fort Collins hosts a number of events throughout the year with the goal of engaging the community in fun, family-friendly experiences. Special events generally consist of activity booths, educational activities, vendor sales, music, etc. Special Event Volunteers will assist with all aspects of event management including set up/tear down, hosting booths, running activities, assisting with refreshments, and/or offering shuttle service. Due to the similarity of Special Events, volunteers can move easily between departments for a wide variety of experiences.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Special Events Volunteer volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Sue Schafer