I certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete. I authorize the City of Fort Collins (“City”) to investigate all statements made as a part of this application and to secure any necessary information from all prior employers, volunteer programs, references, academic institutions, law enforcement agencies, other persons and entities, and public records. I hereby release all such persons, entities, employers, volunteer programs, references, institutions, agencies and the City from any and all liability arising from their giving or receiving information about my employment history, academic credentials, qualifications, reputation, driving record, and criminal record. A photocopy of this release can be used for all purposes.
I understand that successful completion of a background check is a qualification for certain volunteer positions with the City. Once an active volunteer, I understand that if I am charged with any felony offense, or convicted of any crime, whether the offense allegedly occurred on duty or off duty, I must report the charges to my City supervisor immediately following notice of charges.
I understand that any false answers or misleading statements, as well as misrepresentations by omission made by me as part of my application, will be sufficient for rejection of my application or for my immediate discharge should one be discovered after I have started volunteer activities.
I understand that nothing in this volunteer application, in the City's statement of personnel policies, or in my communication with any City employee or official is intended to create an employment contract between the City and me. Accordingly, either the City or I may terminate my at-will volunteer status at any time with or without cause or notice. I understand that I will not be paid or receive any other remuneration for my services as a volunteer with the City.
I understand that the City will provide excess accident medical insurance in the event that I am injured while acting as a City volunteer. This insurance coverage has a limit of $10,000 and has other limitations and exclusions. I may obtain additional information concerning the accident insurance policy from the City's Risk Management Department. I understand that the City will not provide any other coverage for injury to me, and I am not eligible for Workers’ Compensation coverage.
I hereby represent that I am over the age of eighteen (18) years and that I wish to provide volunteer services to the City of Fort Collins. I understand that, depending on my assignments as a volunteer, I may be exposed to risks and hazards that could result in property damage, bodily injury, or death, including but not limited to: outdoor activities on wet, rough or rocky terrain; approaching, ascending, descending and traversing hiking trails; exposure to weather, plants, animals and other outdoor hazards; physical exertion; transportation in a City vehicle; and working with and around tools and dangerous equipment. I am aware of the risks and hazards inherent in my participation as a volunteer and, recognizing those risks and hazards, I hereby request to provide volunteer services.
I will not drive a vehicle to conduct City business unless authorized to do so by my City supervisor. I understand that I must report all traffic violation citations received while driving on City business, or any suspension or revocation of my driver’s license, to a City supervisor immediately. Prior to conducting any City business in my automobile, I will secure and maintain all State of Colorado insurance requirements and hold a valid Driver’s License any time I conduct City business in my automobile.
Photo Release
City staff or other volunteers may take photos of volunteer activities for City marketing purposes unless a volunteer provides written notification to the City that he or she does not authorize use of volunteer’s photos for this purpose.
Handbook Acknowledgement
I agree to abide by the procedures outlined in the Volunteer Handbook while volunteering at the City of Fort Collins. The Handbook can be found on the VSP Website
I further acknowledge and agree that while volunteering for the City of Fort Collins I will not be an agent, servant or employee of the city, will not be entitled to any wages or compensation of any sort, and will not be covered by the city’s employee benefits, including worker’s compensation. Further, nothing in the Volunteer Handbook shall be construed to create an employment relationship of any nature whatsoever.