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Account Required

In order to apply, you will either need to log in or register for an account:

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Position Description

NextGenServe is a volunteer service club for youth ages 13-18 that focuses on growing leadership skills and service in the Fort Collins community. You will get to learn about a variety of career paths and volunteer alongside staff in various settings, including Parks, Natural Areas, The Gardens on Spring Creek, and local non-profits. NextGen will have two cohorts this year! Each cohort will run twice a week, either on Monday and Wednesday (MW) or on Tuesday and Thursday (TTH). Both cohorts will be from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. each activity day. The MW cohort will run from June 9th through August 6th and the TTH cohort will run from June 10th through August 7th.


Many teens seek volunteer hours for school credit, clubs, and college applications. As a participant in NextGen, you will learn valuable job skills and make networking connections to serve yourself in the future. Teens who can communicate well, know how to serve as part of a team, understand how to advocate for themselves, and meet expectations will be ready for the workforce. These skills and more will be developed throughout the summer with NextGenServe.


We will be accepting a limited number of teens for the summer and encourage you to express your interest in our program to the best of your ability. This opportunity is open to youth interested in and driven to learn about leadership, service to their community, and a desire to explore a variety of careers.


While this is a competitive process, we appreciate your application; we will be in touch.


Please note: Teens must be the ones to apply.

NextGenServe Questions

Certification & Release

NextGenServe Waiver

I understand and am aware that my child’s participation in the City’s NextGenServe youth volunteer program (Program) with the City of Fort Collins involves inherent risks and hazards, including the risk of injury or exposure to viruses and other contagious diseases, as well as exposure to harmful substances or proximity to animals, large vehicles, or other similar circumstances.  Recognizing those risks and hazards, I hereby give my consent and approval to my child’s participation in the Program.  
I acknowledge that my child will: 

  1. be transported by vehicle to various locations around the City; and 
  2. volunteer at farms, natural areas, rivers, and gardens, which may result in close physical proximity to farm animals, snakes, bugs, birds, and fish; and  
  3. volunteer with various City departments that manage outdoor facilities and improvements, which may require using hand tools; and 
  4. volunteer at City departments with large vehicles in use and in proximity; and 
  5. volunteer at various locations where cleaning products will be in use, which may result in skin irritation, eye irritation, and allergic reactions; and 
  6. volunteer at local non-profits, all of which are different, but may require going to community members' houses, use of hand tools, and use of cleaning products; and 
  7. volunteer with various City departments that hold events open to the public, which will cause my child or me to be exposed to contagious diseases. 


I understand that the risk of being injured or becoming exposed to harmful substances or infected by contagious disease may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of my child and others, including, but not limited to, City employees, officials, volunteers, program participants and their families. I voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind, that my child or I may experience or incur from participating in the Program. 
On behalf of myself and my child, I release the City of Fort Collins, its officers, agents, volunteers and employees and agree to hold them harmless from any liability for any claim arising out of any injuries and/or damage to me, my child, my property, or loss of any other sort arising out of or related to activities with the Program, the result of the negligence of the City of Fort Collins or any other person, including the risks associated with viruses and other contagious diseases as outlined above.  I agree to indemnify the City of Fort Collins, its officers, agents, volunteers and employees and to be responsible for all harm, injury or damage caused by my child to any persons, property or equipment in conjunction with the Program.  I hereby give consent for emergency medical care prescribed by a medical professional.  This care may be given under whatever conditions are necessary to preserve the well-being of my child.  


Photo Release 

City staff or other volunteers may take photos of volunteer activities for City marketing purposes unless a volunteer provides written notification to the City that he or she does not authorize use of volunteer’s photos for this purpose. 


Parent/Guardian Release for Minor

Account Required

In order to apply, you will either need to log in or register for an account:
