Get Involved: Natural Areas
By becoming a volunteer with us, you are joining a long history of community commitment to conservation. Since its inception, the Natural Areas Department has engaged volunteers on every level, from education to stewardship to leadership. Volunteers help extend outreach and strengthen community involvement. We believe that volunteers are one of our most valuable resources.
Volunteer today!

Adopt-A-Natural Area
Adopters agree to care for a natural area for one year by picking up trash and reporting maintenance issues. This program provides opportunities for citizens to take an active role in restoration efforts through stewardship.
- Visit natural area once a month to pick up litter.
- Report hours and maintenance issues in Engage.
- Implement safe practices of yourself and all others involved during site visits.
- Read more about the Natural Areas Stewardship Programs.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply online to become a volunteer.
Questions? Contact AJ Chlebnik
(970) 224-6118

Diamond Peaks
Volunteer Description Overview
Diamond Peaks Mountain Bike Patrol volunteers patrol City of Fort Collins Natural Areas and Larimer County Open Spaces on bike. Must be a member of the Overland Mountain Bike Association. More information here: OMBA - Diamond Peaks
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Ready to get involved?
Apply online to become a volunteer.
Questions? Contact AJ Chlebnik
(970) 224-6118