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Xeriscape Demo Garden Volunteer Day Profile Photo

Xeriscape Demo Garden Volunteer Day  - City Hall - Xeriscape Demonstration Garden

Thursday, 12 September 2024 @ 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Social Gardening  -  15 +

The Xeriscape Demonstration Garden at City Hall promotes water wise and wildlife friendly gardening. This is an opportunity to connect with like minded community members while improving our community's sustainability and providing habitat for the birds, butterflies and bees that live in our urban center. This year we will be working to install more efficient irrigation, redesign and replant areas in addition to general garden maintenance. We will learn plant identification, sustainable horticulture practices and gardening techniques. All skill levels are welcome. Tools, gloves and snacks will be provided. We recommend wearing close toed shoes, pants and a long sleeve shirt to protect your skin from prickly plants and the sun. If we have inclement weather I will send out a cancellation by email the day before. Please reach out if you have any questions!

Volunteers Registered: 6 (2 available)

Emma Pett
 (609) 879-9498
Volunteer (Publicly Available Assignments)
Volunteer 2 Available Social Gardening Volunteer Demonstration Garden Assistant 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM
