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VRA Training Day 3 Profile Photo

VRA Training Day 3  - Nix Office, 1745 Hoffman Mill Road

Saturday, 22 February 2025 @ 08:45 AM to 02:30 PM

Volunteer Training

Veteran VRAs assist by participating in scenarios and serving on open forum panel for new class of VRAs. Lunch will be provided. Training Located at NIX offices, 1745 Hoffman Mill Rd. VRA Training Day 3 Agenda: - Uniforms - Equestrians - Scenarios - Lunch - Soapstone/Red Mountain - Panel Discussion - Graduation!

Volunteers Registered: 19 (1 available)

Tyler Dubin
 (970) 214-0992

Volunteer Notes

Dress for weather Bring props as assigned Lunch is provided

Volunteer (Publicly Available Assignments)
Attend Training Volunteer Ranger Assistant Attend Training 08:45 AM - 02:30 PM
