Get Involved: Recycling Ambassadors - Recycling Ambassador
Recycling Ambassador
"Three-R" Enthusiasts, read on! This is the ONLY volunteer opportunity on the Front Range where you will:
Make an important contribution to our community's recycling efforts.
Receive valuable and hands-on learning about recycling - through action, educational tours and meetings.
Have the opportunity to pass on your knowledge to others in the community.
Time Commitment:
Commit to at least one, two-hour shift per week for at least six months.
Expectations and Training Requirements.
Public relations and communication skills, including the ability to interact and work effectively and courteously with people from varying social, cultural, and economic backgrounds.
Interest in, and knowledge about (will be provided at training) Waste Reduction and Recycling issues.
One-hour site tour, and site training (usually an hour or two)
Fill out a Shift Feedback Form after every shift.
Check-ins: “Coffee Catch-up” meetings with other RA's every other month. Emailing the Coordinator regarding updates.
Other Requirements:
This is a position of trust: a yearly background check is required.
You must have an email address and basic computer skills (some exceptions may be allowed)
You must be 16 (with parental approval if younger than 18) or older to apply for this position.
To apply for the Recycling Ambassadors Program, submit an application (on the right side of your screen).
Sports and Recreation - Sustainability, Field Work - Environment
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