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Breathing With the Trees Profile Photo

Breathing With the Trees

 06/12/2021  |  10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  Riverbend Ponds - Cairnes Dr. Entrance  |  Registration Required

Wellness - 16 +

Walking the nature trail is an immersion experience. Nature has an intuitive sense for what we need. Enjoy a breath of fresh air as you breath the wellness scents of trees. This unique walk will leave you feeling rejuvenated and alive. Up to 1 mile; easy. Location: Riverbend Ponds, meet at Cairnes Dr. entrance off of Timberline Rd. 705 Cairnes Dr. Masks will be optional for all vaccinated participants and volunteers. We kindly request that unvaccinated or partially vaccinated individuals wear a mask while indoors or when within 6 feet of anyone not in their household group, including the volunteers. Waivers will be required to be signed either online or in person upon arrival. If you or anyone in your household is experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19 (cough, difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste/smell, etc.) do not attend this program. Visit https://www.larimer.org/health/communicable-disease/coronavirus-covid-19 for more information.

Maximum Participants: 20

Registration is required for this activity. Click "register" to reserve your spot.

General Info

Thank you Fort Collins and Larimer County voters! Your support of citizen-initiated sales taxes makes land conservation and educational activities like this possible.

AJ Chlebnik

Pronouns: she/her/hers

City of Fort Collins

Natural Areas Department

Public Engagement Specialist

[email protected]


 COVID-19 Release and Waiver

Registration Info

Activity Registration Closed

Registration is not currently enabled. Check the calendar for more activities


Leader/Volunteer Info

Madeline Profile Photo

Madeline M - Volunteer Naturalist

Our connection to nature is often a deeply personal, spiritual experience. When I trot up a trail, it is about so much more than the physical act of walking. It puts me in a more receptive mindset, I am paying attention to things that are there as much as the things that aren’t. Nature is where I feel at home, where I come to seek clarity, seek guidance, seek thought and yes, seek answers, about the challenges that life throws my way.
