World Migratory Bird Day 2024-Bird Banding, Birding Walks • Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias 2024
| 06:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Pineridge Natural Area
Special Events - Mixed Ages
*This program is a drop-in style and registration is not required. Birding walks will leave from the parking lot every 30 minutes between 7AM and 10AM, with the last walk leaving at 10AM. Up to 20 people at a time can visit the banding station for up to 30 minutes. Register here for updates and cancellation notices.* Where: Pineridge Natural Area near Dixon Reservoir, use the parking lot off County Road 42C. Parking in the Dixon Reservoir lot may be limited. If you cannot find a parking spot, consider parking at the Maxwell Natural Area parking lot or parking at Spring Canyon or Cottonwood Glen parks for a 2 mile hike to reach the event. Description: Join us for a World Migratory Bird Day Celebration! Enjoy fun activities, meet bird ambassadors, and more! Check out the bird banding efforts of the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies and see the birds passing though. Natural Areas volunteer naturalists will be leading bird walks every 30 minutes starting at 7 a.m. A special thanks to our event partners: Northern Colorado Wildlife Center, Rocky Mountain Raptor Program, Fort Collins Audubon Society, and Bird Conservancy of the Rockies. Accessibility: Bird banding will take place a short walk (0.25 miles) down a steep hill in a shaded area. Birding walks will take place on a mostly easy to moderate dirt trail, but will start down a steep hill. Distances vary. Accessible parking and restrooms available. Simultaneous interpretation to Spanish available. What to Bring: Dress appropriately for the weather forecast. Bring sunscreen, closed-toe, sturdy shoes, and plenty of water. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* *Este programa es abierto y no se requiere registro. Las caminatas de observación de aves partirán del estacionamiento cada 30 minutos entre las 7 AM y las 10 AM, siendo la última caminata a las 10 AM. Hasta 20 personas pueden visitar la estación de anillado por un máximo de 30 minutos a la vez. Regístrate aquí para recibir actualizaciones y avisos de cancelación.* Dónde: Área Natural Pineridge cerca del embalse Dixon, estacionamiento justo arriba de la colina al este de la Carretera del Condado 42C. El estacionamiento en el lote del embalse Dixon es limitado los sábados. Si no puede encontrar un lugar para estacionarse, considere estacionarse en el lote del Área Natural Maxwell o en los parques Spring Canyon o Cottonwood Glen y hacer una caminata de 2 millas. Cuándo: Sábado 11 de mayo, de 7 am a 10:30 am. Nos reuniremos en la parte norte del estacionamiento. Descripción del programa: El embalse Dixon es un excelente lugar para aves migratorias. Mira los esfuerzos de anillado de aves del Bird Conservancy of the Rockies y ve qué puede estar pasando por aquí. Los naturalistas voluntarios de Áreas Naturales guiarán caminatas de observación de aves cada 30 minutos a partir de las 7 AM para ver qué hay alrededor del embalse. ¡Trae tus binoculares y celebra el Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias con nosotros! Accesibilidad: El anillado de aves tendrá lugar a una corta distancia a pie (0.25 millas) cuesta abajo en un área sombreada. Las caminatas de observación de aves se realizarán en un sendero de tierra principalmente fácil a moderado, pero comenzarán cuesta abajo. Las distancias varían. Estacionamiento y baños accesibles disponibles. Interpretación simultanea al español disponible. Qué traer: Vístete apropiadamente según el pronóstico del tiempo. Trae protector solar, zapatos cerrados y resistentes, y suficiente agua. ___________________________________________________________________ People of all abilities and disabilities are welcome to participate in all programs and we are happy to make any appropriate accommodations. If you'd like to request an accommodation (language interpretation, wheelchair access, etc.) please fill out the form linked under this activity. You can also copy and paste this link to access the same form: https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7669173/Accessibility-and-Accommodation-Request-Form If accommodations are needed for an activity, please allow two (2) weeks prior to the event to process your request and arrange the accommodation, if available. If you have any questions or concerns about the accessibility of a program, please contact [email protected] or call 970-416-2815 for more information. ___________________________________________________________________ Queremos que sepas que todas las personas, independientemente de sus habilidades o discapacidades, son bienvenidas a participar en nuestros programas. Estamos dispuestos a hacer cualquier modificación para asegurarnos de que todos puedan disfrutar plenamente de la experiencia. Si necesitas algún ajuste, ya sea interpretación de idiomas, acceso para sillas de ruedas u otra cosa, por favor completa el formulario que está vinculado en esta actividad. También puedes copiar y pegar este enlace para acceder al formulario: https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7669173/Accessibility-and-Accommodation-Request-Form Si requieres modificaciones para participar en alguna actividad, te pedimos que nos avises con 2 semanas de anticipación al evento para procesar tu solicitud y coordinar los ajustes, en caso de estar disponibles. Si tienes alguna pregunta o inquietud sobre la accesibilidad de alguno de nuestros programas, no dudes en contactarnos en [email protected] o llamando al 970-416-2815 para obtener más información.
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Registration is not required for this activity, but by clicking "sign up" you will receive a reminder and updates about this program.
LinksGeneral Info
Thank you Fort Collins and Larimer County voters! Your support of citizen-initiated sales taxes makes land conservation and educational activities like this possible.
Zoë Shark
Natural Areas Community Connection & Protection Manager
[email protected]
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CancelLeader/Volunteer Info

Bill W - Photographer
I have been a volunteer naturalist since early 2023. My special interests include prairie dogs, photographing people in nature, diversity and access. My wife Barbara and I moved to Fort Collins in 2019 from Dallas. My volunteer work in Texas included service as a Texas Master Naturalist, 15 years as a Boy Scout leader and numerous medical projects as a physician. We come from Canada originally but moved often as a Service brat and later serving as a medical officer. We have 4 dogs.

Carol S - Volunteer Naturalist Assistant

Emily B - Volunteer Naturalist Assistant

John A - Volunteer Naturalist

Ludy R - Staff/Trainers
¡Hola! I'm Ludy Rueda. I'm originally from Mexico. I bring a diverse perspective and passion for nature and community engagement. I manage diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, partnerships, support public engagement projects, and lead signage and brochure development. My goal is to ensure all community members, regardless of background, feel welcome to enjoy the beauty of our natural areas.

Zoë S - Staff/Trainers
Zoë Shark is the Natural Areas Community Connection and Protection Manager. She has a Masters Degree in Environmental Education and has lived in beautiful Fort Collins for over 25 years.
Activity Contact
(970) 221-6311