National Volunteer Week Earth Day Fence Removal
| 08:30 AM - 12:30 PM
| Registration Required
Stewardship Project - 12 +
Thank you for signing up to help with a National Volunteer Week Fence Removal at Rotary Park and along the Foothills Trail! The purpose of the project is to remove a couple thousand feet of barbed wire fencing along an old property line. We will also be doing some minor trail work along the Foothills Trail at the Upper Part of Maxwell. Volunteers will help remove and repair fencing to support natural wildlife corridors along the foothills. Activities are appropriate for volunteers ages 12 and up and it's a great way to get to know more about your Natural Areas and give back to these public lands during National Volunteer Week and Earth Day. Participants will be working off trail and around barbed wire. Rattlesnakes may be present, but snake gaiters will be provided for additional protection. Please wear long sleeves, long pants, and sturdy, comfortable shoes. Bring plenty of water and wear a hat or some other kind of sun protection - there's no shade at this location! Sunscreen, gloves, snacks, and lunch will be provided. Here are some important things to know before signing up: 1) This event is for community members ages 12+ and no dogs are allowed at this event. 2) All participants must sign up through this link and will be prompted to sign a waiver (yay for less paper at the event!) 3) We will be meeting at the Upper Sunrise Picnic Area parking lot managed by Larimer County, off of County Rd 23. Approximate address is 471 N. County Rd. 23. A shuttle from town will meet at Spring Canyon Park for those without their own transportation. The Sunrise parking lot will be closed to visitors, so parking passes will not be needed. 4) Volunteers will be split into 2 groups of 10 for fence removal and one group of 5 to work on the trail repair. 4) Lunch will be provided at the end of the project at noon. Sign-In will begin around 8:30am with a start time of 9am. Volunteers will be given an important safety talk before beginning the activity. Carpooling is encouraged! location. Snacks and water jugs (for refills) will be provided, but please bring your own water container, warm/layered clothing, close-toed footwear adequate for walking off-trail, and any other items for a morning of comfort outdoors in a variety of weather conditions. Please reach out to AJ Chlebnik with any questions or to reserve a space on the shuttle from Spring Canyon at (970) 224-6118 or achlebnik@fcgov.com. Participants needing a more accessible project are encouraged to sign up for the litter clean-up being run by Larimer County from the same location. https://offero.larimer.org/ActivityRegistration/158f0937-c8e0-464c-91ce-0151ae321f22 People of all abilities and disabilities are welcome to participate in all programs and we are happy to make any appropriate accommodations. If you'd like to request an accommodation (language interpretation, wheelchair access, etc.) please fill out the form linked under this activity. You can also copy and paste this link to access the same form: https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7669173/Accessibility-and-Accommodation-Request-Form If accommodations are needed for an activity, please allow two (2) weeks prior to the event to process your request and arrange the accommodation, if available. If you have any questions or concerns about the accessibility of a program, please contact naturalareas@fcgov.com or call 970-416-2815 for more information. ___________________________________________________________________ Queremos que sepas que todas las personas, independientemente de sus habilidades o discapacidades, son bienvenidas a participar en nuestros programas. Estamos dispuestos a hacer cualquier modificación para asegurarnos de que todos puedan disfrutar plenamente de la experiencia. Si necesitas algún ajuste, ya sea interpretación de idiomas, acceso para sillas de ruedas u otra cosa, por favor completa el formulario que está vinculado en esta actividad. También puedes copiar y pegar este enlace para acceder al formulario: https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7669173/Accessibility-and-Accommodation-Request-Form Si requieres modificaciones para participar en alguna actividad, te pedimos que nos avises con 2 semanas de anticipación al evento para procesar tu solicitud y coordinar los ajustes, en caso de estar disponibles. Si tienes alguna pregunta o inquietud sobre la accesibilidad de alguno de nuestros programas, no dudes en contactarnos en naturalareas@fcgov.com o llamando al 970-416-2815 para obtener más información.
Minimum Participants: 1Maximum Participants: 25
Registration is required for this activity. Click "register" to reserve your spot.
LinksGeneral Info
Thank you Fort Collins and Larimer County voters! Your support of citizen-initiated sales taxes makes land conservation and educational activities like this possible.
AJ Chlebnik
Pronouns: she/her/hers
City of Fort Collins
Natural Areas Department
Public Engagement Specialist
Registration Info
Leader/Volunteer Info

Abigail M - Staff/Trainers

AJ C - Staff/Trainers
I am a Public Engagement Specialist with the City of Fort Collins Natural Areas and I organize community programs, programs by request and interpretive communications like signs and brochures. I'm excited to be back in Fort Collins again after being gone for 15 years. My favorite things to talk about are conservation issues, conservation research and raptors!! The black blur in the profile photo is my cattle dog. She never stops moving!
Activity Contact
(970) 224-6118