Yoga and Wellness in Nature
| 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Gateway Natural Area
| Registration Required
Wellness - Adult
Discover the union of Yoga with Nature. Explore Natural Areas that compliment easy and peaceful yoga poses. No experience with yoga necessary. Yoga mats optional. Up to 1 mile; easy Location: Gateway Natural Area, meet at Shelter A. Gateway Natural Area is a 30 minute drive from Fort Collins. Please note: Program participants do NOT need to pay the $7 Gateway parking fee. Parking passes will be provided upon check-in for the program. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, masks and physical distancing will be required by any participants and volunteers during this program. No more than 20 people will be present at the program. Program requirements are subject to change as CDC and County guidelines are updated. Additional instructions will be sent by e-mail to those registered prior to the program. Waivers will be required to be signed either online or in person upon arrival. If you or anyone in your household is experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19 (cough, difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste/smell, etc.) do not attend this program. Visit for more information.
Maximum Participants: 20Registration is required for this activity. Click "register" to reserve your spot.
General Info
Thank you Fort Collins and Larimer County voters! Your support of citizen-initiated sales taxes makes land conservation and educational activities like this possible.
AJ Chlebnik
Pronouns: she/her/hers
City of Fort Collins
Natural Areas Department
Public Engagement Specialist
Registration Info
Activity Registration Closed
Registration is not currently enabled. Check the calendar for more activities
CancelLeader/Volunteer Info
Madeline M - Volunteer Naturalist
Our connection to nature is often a deeply personal, spiritual experience. When I trot up a trail, it is about so much more than the physical act of walking. It puts me in a more receptive mindset, I am paying attention to things that are there as much as the things that aren’t. Nature is where I feel at home, where I come to seek clarity, seek guidance, seek thought and yes, seek answers, about the challenges that life throws my way.
Activity Contact
(970) 224-6118